Three of Our Church Partners

Perry stops by the work site to check on progress and give instruction
Truly Reaching You has been blessed by the active participation of area churches since our founding in 1999. We consider it a partnership when a church is involved with TRY in one or more of these three ways: regular donating (financially or in-kind), hiring our services, and working alongside us. All three are vital to our mission and highly valued.
St. Ashworth Temple COGIC and Pastor Robert DeJournett have been partnering with TRY for more than 12 years. We greatly appreciate their continued support of our mission by hiring us for their lawn care and maintenance needs. Last month, our men built a roof overhang outside St. Ashworth’s main entrance.

Steve and participants load Thanksgiving baskets into TRY’s truck
Thanks to the generous people of Christ Community Chapel (CCC) Hudson Campus, we have a Thanksgiving tradition of serving our community. Each year, CCC fills over 1,500 plastic totes with the food for a full, traditional Thanksgiving dinner. The baskets are then given to those in the community who might not otherwise have a meal. Click HERE to learn more. Last year, TRY picked up 150 baskets and handed them out to local families with a loved one in prison and our neighbors in need.

A mother and her four young boys leave last year’s party with their presents
For the past two years, New Millennium Baptist Church and Rev. Daniela Williams have been a gracious co-host of our annual Angel Tree Christmas party. Angel Tree is a program of Prison Fellowship that provides Christmas presents to children on behalf of their incarcerated parent. Click HERE to learn more. New Millennium has provided their building as the party’s location and members of the congregation have volunteered to serve food and ensure a special afternoon for the children who come.
St. Ashworth, CCC, and New Millennium are just three examples of the wonderful churches that actively partner with TRY, we also want to recognize: Bethel Cleveland: Akron Campus, Holy Spirit Anglican Church, River of Life Community Church, St. Luke’s Ministries Anglican Church