Larry: from Train Wreck to Blessed

Randy and Larry in late 2010
“Living in my truck. Failed at everything I tried to do in life. Failed as a father, brother, son, employee, and friend. An alcoholic searching for a better life but didn’t know what direction to go. The TRY program got me in the best shape ever mentally, physically, and spiritually. Looking back, any rough times in the program were because I made it rough not the program. I volunteer as much as I can, other things prevent full time employment. I own half a house and rent out rooms to others in recovery (Using some of the rules from the program). Relationships with family and friends are better now than ever before.”
Before TRY, I was a Train wreck
In TRY, I was Transforming
Now, I am Blessed
Larry once lived the “rock-n-roll” lifestyle, playing music in bars, getting drunk, and causing trouble. He is one of those guys with stories from the 80’s and 90’s that makes you wonder how he is still alive. The common denominator in the stories: alcohol. What seemed like an exciting way to live made Larry homeless, alone, and crippled by addiction.
His time at TRY was rocky. Larry couldn’t quite ‘get it’. But staff never gave up on him, even after Larry left the program. Randy or Steve would pick him up for church and speak the truths of hope and renewal. Not only did Larry finally have his ‘aha!’ moment and gain a new understanding of what TRY did for him, he also has turned his own home into a recovery house for others! His musical talent, which was instrumental in his destructive lifestyle, is now used for good as he plays with the worship band at his church.