Our new clothing closet!

Most men who come to TRY have only the clothes on their back or just one bag of personal possessions. As a part of providing all their basic needs, we make sure the men have the shoes and clothing for work, classes, church, and job interviews. (To learn more about why TRY supplying basic needs is important, check out this previous post)

While we dreamed of a fully stocked and organized clothing closet, our current office doesn’t have the space. So, a shopping trip to Walmart consumed a couple hours of staff time with each intake. Our new warehouse and an influx of donated clothing meant it was time to make the dream of a clothing closet ‘store’ a reality. Only one thing stood in the way . . . sorting and organizing the ever growing mound of donations.

Thanks to United Way of Summit County’s Day of Action and the incredible volunteers from Summit County Probate Court the job is DONE!



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