Giving A Hand Up,
Not A Handout.
Truly Reaching You (TRY) is a relationship-based reentry ministry serving men who have “done their time” and are ready to return to family and community.
TRY provides a healthy support system and invaluable employment training for those willing to surrender old lifestyles -- and to put in the work needed to gain self-respect and a renewed outlook on life.
Read about the history of TRY here.

Reentry Program

Recovery, Basic Needs,
and Spiritual Support

Employment Training through
Social Enterprise

Self, Family,
and Community
Work for Hire
Lack of financial resources is a primary cause of recidivism, or relapse into criminal behavior. Men served by Truly Reaching You lack the work history and skill sets needed to find -- and keep -- jobs that will support themselves or their families, and ultimately enable them to make a successful transition.
TRY provides the means for financial self-sufficiency through its Employment Skills Training Program, offering men served hands-on training in four high-demand work fields: Lawncare & Landscaping, Commercial Cleaning, Housing Rehab & Construction, and Hauling & Manual Labor.
Simultaneously, the program provides the entire community - business owners, local government, nonprofit organizations, churches, and residential home owners - with high-quality, competitively priced services and provides TRY with a growing source of income to support its reentry work.

Every dollar raised changes lives, reunites families, and revitalizes our community. Thank you for supporting reentry that WORKS.